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Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Жена тражим мушкарца

Основни подаци

Енглески, Француски, Шпански, Италијански, Хебрејски, Остало
Мој опис
I love fashion and beauty, as well fitness a girl has to keep in shape. I started HRT in early May. In a couple years the rest of the surgical requirements will take place that need me to be completed. A vagina that can orgasm ffs etc. In less then 3 years my dreams will be finally realized. my hot curves my D cup and my pussy with an unmatched sex drive that can keep any man, women or tranney with unstopable pleasure. I will be also able to orgasm as many times as possible when either my partner strokes my kunt or eats me out. I am a women now sex is a huge part of my life. If wealthy Men choose to spoil me rotten for my habits. What girl does not like shopping at the high end boutiques, trips to the beauty parlor etc. traveling, fine dining, dancing as well looking beautiful for them and giving them everything hat they want. Having a vagaina and beautiful looks with the brains to add means the world to me.
I have a decent job now however, I would not mind being a stay at home wife to. My taste for the finest in luxurious of goods to me is so worth it women's high end fashion has been a passion my whole life. I cant believe I walk around carrying a chanel jumbo maxi flap hand bag apply the finest make up wear beautiful jewels as well as dresses, I once used to just think about that dream; I can't believe in my life I am that women now. I always dreamed, where men that I used to be now a lady of course. Men just seeing me waddle my plump female curvy shape as I exit my Benz 1st with my size eu 38 louboutin pumps of course with my new man made vajay down the street decked in my chanchillia full length fur. Which I am now dressed so beautifully, which I boast 4 chanels as well as a hermes some louis vuttons and fendis hand bags, my closet is full of the top shelf designer clothing from chanel skirt suits as well as others to many dior and ysl ball gowns. I have my own dress maker I am diva now. I am a women now also. My vagina for pre op ts is our crowning tieria is what will make me complete a partner who will enjoy this life will captivate us both.
Хороскопски знак

Изглед и стање

Моје грађа
178 цм
Боја очију
Брачно стање
Имам децу
Желим децу
Нисам сигуран/сигурна
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Минђуша/минђуше, Не пада ми на памет
Боја косе
Светло смеђа
Немам кућне љубимце
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу


Образовни ниво
Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
Мој радни однос
Пуно радно време
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
mgr food service
Мој годишњи приход
$45.000USD до $59.999USD
Код куће
Увек је мирно


У средњој школи био/била сам
У друштву сам
Занимљив(а), Волим да флертујем, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Уздржан/уздржана
Моја интересовања и хобији
Глуварење по клубовима, Кување, Плес, Вечере, Вежбање/Тренирање, Коцкање, Игре, Учење, Филмове, Фотографија, Читање, Спортове, Путовања, ТВ, Волонтирање
Како замишљам провод
Дружење с пријатељима, Шопинг, Казино, Концерт, Посета музеју, Облачење, Блеја, Спавање, Волим да останем код куће, Биоскоп, Волим да испробавам нове ствари
Мој савршен први састанак
hang out get to know each other have dinner and see where things lead
Одувек сам желео/желела да
to model women's high fashions in paris during fashion week, also have hot sex decked in the finest jewels with my brand new vagina after my srs in my brand new full length chinchillia fur coat just be to be the women I will and want to be come even though now it is medically/biologically impossible to have children post op women they say it is impossible
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Кул, Блесав/блесава

Погледи/Животни ставови

Духован/духовна сам, али не религиозан/религиозна
Идем у цркву
Мој животни циљ
is to become a beautiful women be extremely powerful in the world of fashion and luxury be the editor in chief for either harper bazar elle or another women's fashion mag though knowing I am a transwomen though treating me in every aspect that the women that I have became and am goods be philanthropic don't forget my past help others and be humane
Мој смисао за хумор
Блесав/блесава, Урнебесан/слепстик


На ТВ-у увек гледам
Вести, Документарце, Драме, Комедије ситуације/Ситкоме, Филмове, Спортове, ”Ријалити шоу” програме, Сапунице
У биоскопу увек гледам
Акције, Научну фантастику, Комедије, Љубавне, Документарце, Анимиране филмове, Програми за одрасле
Увек слушам
Класична, Кантри, Џез, Метал, Поп, Рок
Увек читам
Антологије, Биографије, Еротика, Фантазије, Фикције, Здравствене, Историјске, Мистерије, Вести, Референтне
Како замишљам добру забаву
going shopping dancing or fine dineing attending the theater travel clubbing the casinos fashion shows


Шта Вас привлачи?
Изглед, Интелигенција, Новац, Моћ, Осећајност, Брижљивост
Шта тражите?
kindness understanding likeness and money wealth power looks etc.
Какву везу тражите?
Пријатељ на Интернету, Пријатељ, Састанак, Интима, Посвећеност