Shy, Honest, Friendly CD in RI

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Greenville, Rhode Island | Travestis Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je sais parler
Je me décrirais comme
I would describe myself as a kinky but shy crossdresser that yearns to be a woman. I love dressing in girly clothes and being as feminine as possible. I suppose that makes me a male lesbian of sorts.

While listed here, I do not always fact, lately, I rarely do. I mean, I clearly have a part of me that craves to...I think it is in wanting to feel pretty, sexy, and fun. Maybe its because it is sort of a tabboo. i don't know.

So, while I'm sort of a closet crossdresser at the moment, perhaps one in semi-denial, that doesn't change what I wish to be. I'm real, friendly, generous, honest and harmless. I would like this to be "our" secret...something intimate that we share, and no one else knows about.

I'm VERY open-minded and accepting, and never judge others...likely because I know how that feels. I do have a few lines I won't cross. I'm flesh & blood afterall, and have my own feelings, dreams, and wishes. I tend to move slow at first, and this being online, will likely move somewhat slower still. Everyone has to feel safe and secure, and move at their own pace.

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est
Ma taille est
5' 9 (1.75 m)
Mes yeux sont
Mon origine ethnique est
Ma situation maritale est
J'ai des enfants
Je veux des enfants
Ce que j'ai de mieux
Mes cheveux sont
Bruns foncés
J'en ai 1 ou plus
Pas d'animaux
Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs


Mon niveau d'éducation est
Diplôme d'études supérieures
Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est
Mon domaine de compétence est
Je vis
En colocation, Avec mes parents
Chez moi
C'est plutôt calme
Je fume
Je bois de l'alcool
Oui - socialement


Au lycée, j'étais un/e
Fana d'informatique
Socialement, je suis plutôt
Timide, Sympa
Mes passions et loisirs sont
Sports, Lecture, Films, Dîner , Voyages
Un bon moment pour moi c'est
Rester à la maison, Regarder un bon film, Se déguiser
Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait
An ideal date would have me initially as my male self, stressing out over my fear that I'll be thought of as a weird or bizarre when the truth gets revealed. During this date, perhaps over dinner, as I gained the confidence to trust her, I'd tell her some of my desires, and she'd be excited by it, wanting to partake in it...not disgusted with it, and not merely tolerant of it. Something promising me then and there that this could perhaps be something more... Basically, an ideal first date is me trusting someone to tell them who I really am, and finding a friendly, accepting, and understanding response.
J'ai toujours voulu essayer
Like many the dress, I like the idea of being submissive. The more I submit, the more I start to believe I really care for that person. When in love, I essentially abandon free thought on many things. I suppose I'd like to try just seeing how long that could last, how far I'd go in trusting someone, and how deep I'd allow myself to fall.
Mes amis me décrivent comme
Sympa, La personne qu'ils aimeraient être

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma religion c'est
Je vais à la messe
Mon but dans la vie c'est
Like everyone else' find happiness.
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt
Sarcastique, Sympa, Sadique


A la télévision, je regarde
Actualités, Sitcoms, Films, Sports
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours
Comédies, Romantiques, Drames
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est
Rock, Pop, Classique, Je n'aime pas la musique
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est
Fictions, Politique, Œuvres de référence
Mon idée du fun be in love. But to get there, I'd like to be a man by day so to speak, and allowed to reveal my more feminine side at night. I'd like a woman who can indulge and partake in that, and I'll obediently love her for it, and treat her like my own goddess.

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?
Intelligence, Beauté, Empathie, Séduction, Délicatesse
Que recherchez-vous?
I'm looking for a kind, intelligent, person...ready and willing to accept me as I am, to have fun, to be loved, and hopefully, capable of loving me.
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?
Pote virtuel, Vrai‧e ami‧e, Rendez-vous, Relation intime, Engagement